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Installing Snappi

The procedures explained in this section helps to install and configure snappi for an Open Traffic Generator API.

The test scripts written in gosnappi, and the auto-generated Go SDK, can be executed against any traffic generator that conforms to Open Traffic Generator API.

Ixia-c is one of such reference implementations of the Open Traffic Generator API.

To install Snappi for the Go language, do the following:

Setup the client

go get

Start Testing

package examples

import (


func TestQuickstart(t *testing.T) {
    // Create a new API handle to make API calls against OTG
    api := gosnappi.NewApi()

    // Set the transport protocol to HTTP

    // Create a new traffic configuration that will be set on OTG
    config := gosnappi.NewConfig()

    // Add a test port to the configuration
    ptx := config.Ports().Add().SetName("ptx").SetLocation("veth-a")

    // Configure a flow and set previously created test port as one of endpoints
    flow := config.Flows().Add().SetName("f1")
    // and enable tracking flow metrics

    // Configure number of packets to transmit for previously configured flow
    // and fixed byte size of all packets in the flow

    // Configure protocol headers for all packets in the flow
    pkt := flow.Packet()
    eth := pkt.Add().Ethernet()
    ipv4 := pkt.Add().Ipv4()
    udp := pkt.Add().Udp()
    cus := pkt.Add().Custom()



    // Configure repeating patterns for source and destination UDP ports
    udp.SrcPort().SetValues([]int32{5010, 5015, 5020, 5025, 5030})

    // Configure custom bytes (hex string) in payload
    cus.SetBytes(hex.EncodeToString([]byte("..QUICKSTART SNAPPI..")))

    // Optionally, print JSON representation of config
    if j, err := config.ToJson(); err != nil {
    } else {
        t.Log("Configuration: ", j)

    // Push traffic configuration constructed so far to OTG
    if _, err := api.SetConfig(config); err != nil {

    // Start transmitting the packets from configured flow
    ts := gosnappi.NewTransmitState()
    if _, err := api.SetTransmitState(ts); err != nil {

    // Fetch metrics for configured flow
    req := gosnappi.NewMetricsRequest()
    // and keep polling until either expectation is met or deadline exceeds
    deadline := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)
    for {
        metrics, err := api.GetMetrics(req)
        if err != nil || time.Now().After(deadline) {
            t.Fatalf("err = %v || deadline exceeded", err)
        // print YAML representation of flow metrics
        if metrics.FlowMetrics().Items()[0].Transmit() == gosnappi.FlowMetricTransmit.STOPPED {
        time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

To install Snappi for the Python language, do the following:

Setup the Client

python -m pip install --upgrade snappi 

Start Testing

import datetime
import time
import snappi
import pytest

def test_quickstart():
    # Create a new API handle to make API calls against OTG
    # with HTTP as default transport protocol
    api = snappi.api(location="https://localhost:8443")

    # Create a new traffic configuration that will be set on OTG
    config = api.config()

    # Add a test port to the configuration
    ptx = config.ports.add(name="ptx", location="veth-a")

    # Configure a flow and set previously created test port as one of endpoints
    flow = config.flows.add(name="flow")
    flow.tx_rx.port.tx_name =
    # and enable tracking flow metrics
    flow.metrics.enable = True

    # Configure number of packets to transmit for previously configured flow
    flow.duration.fixed_packets.packets = 100
    # and fixed byte size of all packets in the flow
    flow.size.fixed = 128

    # Configure protocol headers for all packets in the flow
    eth, ip, udp, cus = flow.packet.ethernet().ipv4().udp().custom()

    eth.src.value = "00:11:22:33:44:55"
    eth.dst.value = "00:11:22:33:44:66"

    ip.src.value = ""
    ip.dst.value = ""

    # Configure repeating patterns for source and destination UDP ports
    udp.src_port.values = [5010, 5015, 5020, 5025, 5030]
    udp.dst_port.increment.start = 6010
    udp.dst_port.increment.step = 5
    udp.dst_port.increment.count = 5

    # Configure custom bytes (hex string) in payload
    cus.bytes = "".join([hex(c)[2:] for c in b"..QUICKSTART SNAPPI.."])

    # Optionally, print JSON representation of config
    print("Configuration: ", config.serialize(encoding=config.JSON))

    # Push traffic configuration constructed so far to OTG

    # Start transmitting the packets from configured flow
    ts = api.transmit_state()
    ts.state = ts.START

    # Fetch metrics for configured flow
    req = api.metrics_request()
    req.flow.flow_names = []
    # and keep polling until either expectation is met or deadline exceeds
    start =
    while True:
        metrics = api.get_metrics(req)
        if ( - start).seconds > 10:
            raise Exception("deadline exceeded")
        # print YAML representation of flow metrics
        if metrics.flow_metrics[0].transmit == metrics.flow_metrics[0].STOPPED: